Open House Etiquette

Open houses vs. private showings?! Both offer great options for buyers and one thing we've observed is that certain buyers tend to favor open houses over private showings. Open houses offer a more relaxed atmosphere with less pressure, but it's important for buyers to adhere to proper etiquette when attending. Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind while exploring open houses.


  1. Communicate with Your Realtor: Before attending an open house, touch base with your real estate agent. Not only does this demonstrate professionalism, but it also allows your agent to provide valuable insights and possibly join you at the showing. Plus, having your agent present can streamline the process and ensure you're on the same page. It also allows your realtor to be in communication with the listing agent on what the activity on the house has been like.

  2. Respect Sign-In Procedures: If the listing agent requires attendees to sign in, do so promptly and accurately. Make sure to indicate that you're working with a realtor, which establishes transparency and professionalism. This simple gesture shows respect for the host and the property. Sellers do want to know who and how many people are coming through their house, just as they would with private showings.

  3. Be Mindful of Your Volume: While it's natural to discuss your impressions of a home, be mindful of your surroundings. Avoid speaking loudly, especially if other potential buyers are present. Respect their space and allow everyone the opportunity to explore and form their own opinions without distractions. Many houses now have cameras throughout the house and you don’t want the seller to hear what you’re thinking (whether good or bad).

  4. Ask Questions: Don't hesitate to engage with the hosting realtor and ask questions about the property. Whether you're curious about the neighborhood, renovations, or the home's history, knowledgeable agents are there to provide answers and insights. Take advantage of this opportunity to gather as much information as possible.

  5. Take Notes: Bring a notebook or utilize your smartphone to jot down observations and questions during the open house. This will help you remember important details later when comparing multiple properties.

  6. Respect the Property: Treat the home with care and respect during your visit. Avoid touching personal belongings or making unnecessary messes. Remember, you're entering someone else's space, so treat it as you would want your own home to be treated.


  1. Attend Unannounced: While some open houses do welcome drop-in visitors, it's always best to notify your realtor in advance. This ensures that everyone is prepared and can make the most of your visit. Often times the listing agent won’t know if you are working with a realtor when you come in, so if you tell your realtor you are going they can give the listing agent a heads up!

  2. Overstay Your Welcome: Be mindful of the designated open house hours and avoid lingering longer than necessary. Respect the schedule and allow other potential buyers the opportunity to view the property without feeling rushed or crowded. If it is possible, try to avoid coming to the open house five minutes before it’s over. The seller will likely be one their way home soon.

  3. Allow Children to Run Wild: If you're attending the open house with children, ensure they understand the importance of respectful behavior. Avoid allowing them to run or play loudly, as this can disrupt other attendees and detract from the viewing experience. Instead, encourage them to explore the property calmly and respectfully under your supervision. As a mom of three, I know how hard this can be! But try your best to keep them as close to you as possible.

  4. Bring Food and Drinks: This one may go without saying, but try to refrain from bringing food and drinks into the open house. Spills and crumbs can create messes and potentially damage the property. Often times if the seller doesn’t have an issue with food and drinks at the house, the listing agent will provide some beverages and snacks.

Attending open houses can be an exciting and informative experience on your homebuying journey. By following proper etiquette and respecting the process, you not only enhance your own experience but also contribute to a positive and productive atmosphere for all attendees. Remember, open houses are more than just opportunities to view properties—they're opportunities to showcase your professionalism, courtesy, and genuine interest in finding your dream home. Happy house hunting!

jennifer Sloan