Jennifer zoeller

Jennifer is a dedicated family woman who finds immense joy in spending time with her four children and three grandchildren. Her lively household, complete with several energetic dogs, keeps her on her toes every day.

Having spent her entire life in Wisconsin, Jennifer has deep roots in Ozaukee County, where she has lived for the past 35 years. She has experienced life in all the major cities within the county, with the majority of her time spent in Mequon and Cedarburg, where she raised her family.

Jennifer is a proud alumna of the University of Wisconsin-Madison—Go Bucky! Her career began as a CPA, followed by extensive volunteer work and leading significant fundraising efforts for the Mequon Thiensville Education Foundation and Booster Club. Before transitioning into real estate, Jennifer also worked in marketing for other realtors. She believes that each of these experiences has contributed to her success as a realtor, providing her with valuable connections, financial expertise, marketing skills, and in-depth knowledge of the area.

In her leisure time, Jennifer enjoys family trips to Door County, camping, skiing, and spending quality time with her granddaughters. These activities are cherished moments that bring balance to her life.

Jennifer finds immense gratification in helping her clients achieve their real estate goals, whether buying or selling a home. She is committed to ensuring that her clients feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment at the closing table. Jennifer's dedication to her clients' needs, combined with her expertise in finance from her CPA background, top-tier communication skills, and exceptional marketing abilities, ensures a stress-free and successful real estate experience for all her clients.